Saturday, December 4, 2010

I like my kids. A lot.

[Admiring Kainoa Bear]

This picture is from last week. I'm too exhausted/lazy to go in the other room to get the camera to download pics from it's almost midnight and I have no idea what I'm doing up. Maybe I'm so tired because I spent 6 hours working on a paper for school today. Maybe it took me 6 hours because I kept looking out the window daydreaming about swimming at the beach (what I'd MUCH rather be doing than writing a strategic case analysis for a business management class). And now this post is taking me way longer than it should because I'm sitting here trying to think of clever things to say that may (or may not) make the 2 people that read our blog think "Wow, that Becky is so witty."


Good night. (Hopefully...Kainoa)


abby said...

wow, that becky is so witty. really!! and what a lovely picture that is. nice one, dave!

Brantonians said...

I must be one of the two that continually stalks you on your VERY WITTY blog! Thanks for taking the time to post, my dear friend.

Mike and I were just talking this week about how we TOTALLY blew our chances of hanin' in the Caribbean with our favorite Fillies! Ugh! If little Kainoa could have come just a few months later, we were going to sneak down this past October. Oh well, he's totally worth it!

Love you, Becky. And a word of advice- skip the paper and go to the beach for crying out loud!!!

Brantonians said...

I must be one of the two that continually stalks you on your VERY WITTY blog! Thanks for taking the time to post, my dear friend.

Mike and I were just talking this week about how we TOTALLY blew our chances of hanin' in the Caribbean with our favorite Fillies! Ugh! If little Kainoa could have come just a few months later, we were going to sneak down this past October. Oh well, he's totally worth it!

Love you, Becky. And a word of advice- skip the paper and go to the beach for crying out loud!!!

The Filhart Family said...

Ha! Sounds like me- I typically blog in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. For example- last week I started a post at 3am Monday morning, went back to bed and then finished it at about 7am Thanksgiving day because I couldn't sleep either night...glad to know I'm in good company. :)