Saturday, April 2, 2011

Catchin' Up

Lots to catch up on...

[Daddy and Kai at the Guitar]

Dave is wasting no time getting Kainoa ready to join his band. I think he's a natural already...

[The LAST "gummy" picture]

Take a close look at this handsome devil with no teeth. He now has two teeth on the bottom and his top two teeth broke through last week and are growing in already! Saaadddd...

[Dave's Tamarind Beef Satay]

There is lots to love about being back in the U.S., but there are things that we miss about St. Kitts too. When we went on our beach lunch date , we had tamarind beef satay for a lunch appetizer...and it was incredible. So good in fact, that we sat dreaming about it one night after we first got to IL when it was snowy and cold outside. Then we realized...WAIT! We're in the U.S. we can get anything we want! Let's make it ourselves! Dave took over and made a beautiful, absolutely amazing version that took us right back to the beach. Well, not really, but it was sure good, and I had to get a picture of it!!!

[Courtesy of Daddy, Mimi, and Kai]

I turned the big 3-2 in February. I spent a few days before a little crabby because we'd just moved to IL, and Dave hadn't mentioned my birthday at all. I thought he forgot, so I was gonna teach him a lesson and make him feel real bad.

Turns out, not only did he not forget, but he had lots of surprises planned for my special day. We ended up spending most of the day indoors because we were snowed in.
[Dave shoveling snow on my bday]
Well, okay. Maybe "snowed in" is a bit of an exaggeration, but for us ya-hoos from the West (and most recently, the beach), we are NOT experienced enough to be driving in any amount of snow yet.

So much for teaching him a lesson (on this occasion), he totally came through!


The Moore Family said...

Happy birthday!!! What a man! His Island food looks amazing!

abby said...

whoa, kainoa is a stud! as if we expected any different- he is dave's son after all. :) we miss you guys so much! happy belated birthday becky! it seems like only yesterday we were sweating at the club house with taco tuesday! :)