Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wesley's Graduation - Master's Degree A.S.U.

My Brother Wes received his Master's Degree in Physical Education this past May of 2008, from Arizona State University (nationally ranked by Playboy as the #1 Party School in the Nation), and he did it all drug and alcohol free!! I'm so darn proud of him, he accomplished this while working a full time job, being married to a beautiful babe (Mary, my sister-in-law), raising a son (Steele, my beloved nephew), and serving faithfully in the church. He is an inspiration to us all, and his hard work and dedication is admirable. Good job Wes!!! (In this photo, from l-r is Mary, Wes, Steele, Dave, Mia, and Becky.)

1 comment:

Our Paper Plates said...

Congrats to Wes! That's awesome :) It looks like his wife is pregnant too! You, Becky and Mia make such a cute family. Becky looks great!!