Monday, June 15, 2009

Views of our Morning Walk

Mornings have sure changed since we moved to Nevis. Mia used to sleep in until at least 8:30...usually more like 9:30. It was spectacular. She did wake up for a morning snack around 4:00 am, but I really didn't mind, because I would stay half asleep and just feed her, and then be on with my morning. Well...ever since we moved here, she's been completely on a schedule, completely sleeping through the night. It was a little bizarre at first, to be honest. I haven't slept through the night since I was about 6 months pregnant, but I love it...except for the fact that she wakes up like a normal kid now. We set the alarm, but we really shouldn't because she's up ready to go anytime between 6:00-7:00. So sad. So we bring her in with us as we're both trying to wake up while she does a bottle, and then we get up and get Dave going for the day with a big breakfast and a nice packed lunch. When he leaves, Mia and I head out for our morning walk.

Mia gets the daily dose of sunblock, and grabs her shades and is ready to go. If she has a snack and a bottle, I can usually get more time out of her.

We walk up and down our hill 3 times each morning. Here is the view going down the street. Can you believe there are cacti here? Thought we left the desert...

It takes about 45 minutes or so, and then we come in and do kickboxing or pilates. Mia loves dancing to the music.


Janet said...

I can't believe how big she is getting! Man I miss you guys!

Julie and Todd said...

Work it! Love the thought of walking in that. GORGEOUS! You sound super happy!

M.M.M. said...

Look at you, Ms. Physical Fitness! I wish I could be your walking partner....Meet you at the bottom of the hill, 8 am? See you then!

Kerstin said...

I love her hair and the shades! She's so adorable!

Our Paper Plates said...

Mia plus pigtails = super cute! I love the sunglasses too (think they make them in my size?) You are such a fitness queen - hey have you ever tried The Firm workouts? They are AMAZING!