Friday, January 23, 2009

This Week's Updates

Mia is pulling up and cruising around everything. She could care less about all of her toys because she's more interested in crawling to the ottoman to walk around it for hours. She has also decided to change her nap schedule yet again. This change is not that bad because she's been playing around in her bed for like hour to an hour and a half. Is that bad? She doesn't cry, she just walks around, talks, and looks around. How do we know this you ask? We kind of set up the web cam one day and watched her on the laptop out in the family room. It was hilarious. Ooooo-she is just delicious.
Some exciting Mia "first's": Laughing at a story with me, cruising, waving "bye-bye," getting into everything, crawling on her hands, and reacting to "little piggies." I'm working on her first word being "mama," naming parts of the face, and baby sign language. She's not really buying any of those whatsoever...
On to Dave news. He is a stud. He has been studying extra hard for his big MCAT test next Saturday. It will be a big relief to be able to make some decisions and continue this crazy thing we call life. He keeps me laughing, and honestly, he doesn't need me to teach him any lessons because he manages to keep himself in check. He has "flashes of brilliance" (as he puts it), but he is usually humbled immediately to keep him from becoming too arrogant. I love him.
I am still going for my half marathon the end of February in Dallas. I definitely can say that ANYONE can become a runner. I am up to 4 miles each weekly workout and 6-7 for a long run on Saturdays. It's really fun and I'm feeling great. I have no desire to ever do a full marathon, but I am excited to do this half marathon. Things are plugging along-I just can't believe Mia is almost a year old! LIFE IS GOOD!!!


Janet said...

That's awesome Becks! I'm so proud of you!!

Janet said...

Do you want to do Pat's Run with me in April? It's Saturday April 18th. I'm signing up for it today.

Jodiane said...

Sounds like life is being good to you. yeah the half is a great distance. Good for you Becky. I do love the new header you guys have, so cute! Also good luck to Dave on the MCAT, i am interested to see where you guys go. Keep blogging girl

Julie and Todd said...

Good luck Dave!!!! And Becky, we are SO impressed you're doing a half-marathon. Wow. I'm a wuss. :-)

Our Paper Plates said...

Wahoo, Becky! Way to rock the asphalt. I wish we lived closer so we could run together. Its fun running with a partner :)