Friday, January 30, 2009

Vietnamese (Chinese) New Year, throw up, a passport, and poop-lots of poop

This week's updates are coming to you filtered. I will not gross anyone out too bad, but life around the Filhart house has been very...ahem...eventful. That's it, eventful.

First of all, I finally got Mia's hair into a rubberband. It was difficult because her hair is so fine and she is a little squirmer. It looked horrible, but its a start. I don't think she really cares either way.

On to Chinese/Vietnamese New Years. Since we couldn't make it to Vietnam to spend the holiday with Dave's family, we went to Mekong Plaza to celebrate and try and win a Toyota Camry. Say what? We ended up eating Pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) at Unphogettable (yes, that's the real restaurant name), and then wading through the million people to find a spot to hear the big raffle results. uggh. So we wait for about an hour, all the while listening to classic Vietnamese jams performed by local vietnamese bands and burning up because there are about 10,000 too many people crammed in this place. The big moment arrives, and they spend 30 minutes talking about how the raffle will end up working, and then announce that two more fashion shows and performances will take place before they do the raffle. I was annoyed, but I didn't have to even open my mouth because everyone started booing and yelling at the organizers. I just looked at Dave and thought "I'm glad Mia doesn't understand Vietnamese yet" because I was sure there was plenty of "potty words" being thrown around. The raffle finally happened, AND WE didn't WIN. We didn't even buy raffle tickets, we put four in that our friends gave to us. We would have felt bad if we had won.

Mia wore a traditional boy's outfit for the New Year pictures. That's about right. She's going to get back at me one day.

Here is Mia before her "Let me see how much I can throw up and poop" week. I think she got sick from Unphogettable.
I have never seen, smelled, and touched sooooo much poop in my whole life. Huggies suck. Our trash doubled this week, and I've done laundry 3 times (when I usually only do it once a week). Poor thing. So we thought to cheer her up, we'd go get her passport picture taken.

Dave is working tirelessly on med school applications, and I'll tell ya...we'll get in where we can get in, when we can get in. We are willing to even go abroad to get this show on the road. So Mimi was a big girl and got her picture taken and went to the post office to finish her passport application and get that mailed off. She is ready for travel internationale at the ripe age of 11 months.
I'm pretty sure that cheered her up because she hasn't pooped since.


Janet said...

Okay, I love her passport picture! She is so beautiful!! I can't believe how big she looks. I'm glad she is feeling better! Good Luck Dave on the test tomorrow!

Kerstin said...

Oh my goodness, I'm seriously sitting here cracking up in the most sympathetic way possible! That stinks. I've had those days & weeks!

Julie and Todd said...

I'm sure that stinky doesn't even begin to cover it. I feel your pain, sista.

Our Paper Plates said...

Tết Nguyên Đán! I'm so sorry little Mia was sick. No fun :( I'm so jealous that you guys got to eat Vitanamese food!

Dr. Todd said...

we love poop around here.

please don't tell me you are heading to Vietnam? jealous.