Monday, March 30, 2009


Yes, my Dear, Sweet Wife Becky had her Big 3-0 last month (Feb 05, 2009)! It was a grand day full of fun and excitement! She is a darn good girl, and I LOVE her dearly. Thanks for everything Becky! For any interested onlookers, here is a smattering of happenings that transpired:
1. We woke up quick, at about 9:30a
2. Had fresh fruit breakfast vittles from the AZ Farmer's Market (yummy).
3. Hiked Camelback Mountain (again).
4. Went to the legendary Joe's BBQ in Gilbert, AZ for lunch (free lunch for good little birthday girls)!
5. Came home, napped.
6. Dropped the Mimi off and Grandma and Grandpa's for babysitting!
7. Had Romantic dinner at Pizzeria Bianco.
8. Came home and....had ice cream!

It was really a lot of fun for me, and I hope it was fun for the Beckster. She is truly the love of my life, and I am so glad that we chose each other.

March 14, 2009

Dearest Becky,
I am grateful that we waited for each other and that we didn't settle for less. I am so grateful that we were married in the Arizona Temple, so that our little family can be together forever. I am so grateful that we get to go to Church together and go through this high adventure of life together, and that our love will continue throughout all Eternity. Because of you I am truly happy and feel a sense of peace inside, and my cup of joy is overfilled. No matter what happens, you are mine, and I am yours. Thanks for sharing your life with me. I know that whatever the ups and downs are, it doesn't matter, with our love and the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives, we'll be fine. Thank you Becky, for everything, and Happy Birthday Darling! Here's to a long and happy life, Sweetheart! I love you, so much.



The Moore Family said...

You guys are too cute. Happy belated special cousin.

Cristina HW said...

sheesh! this made me get a little teary! how romantic! you two are wonderful. dearest becky, i can't believe i met you what?! 11 years ago now? at you and jeff's combo b-day party! wow! i've been the luckier for it. love you!

Our Paper Plates said...

Feliz cumpleanos Becky! You look so beautiful, like always. Hope you enjoyed your special day - which it looks like you did!

M.M.M. said...

so basically for your birthday Becky, you guys ate. and ate. and ate.
sounds like my kind of day!
happy belated day!

Rebecca said...

Happy belated Birthday Becky!!!!!

Dave, what you wrote even made me tear up! That was really sweet! I'm so glad you two found each other!!!

Love the new pic too!! ;-))

Kerstin said...

Too sweet! Happy Birthday Becks!

Carolyn Daley said...

That's an amazing birthday wish to your wife Dave! I hope to find someone who loves/needs/cherishes me as much as you do her!

Congrats on your internship out in the tropics too :)