Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yes, she's talking

Everyone's been asking the usual questions, is she walking? Is she talking? Is she eating solid foods? Walking-kind of. She totally can, but she's a total scaredy cat. Talking-yes, baby talk. She talks ALL DAY LONG. I often hear her talking in the morning in her bed, and usually at nap time too. The other night I had church, and I brought Mia with me because they had nursery that night. When I got home, Dave was sitting on the couch and immediately Mia started pulling down to get to Dave. I put her down to stand and hold on to the couch and she started babbling away at Dave. Dave just kept saying, "a-huh. And what else, tell me all about it...etc." I put a few things away and a few minutes later, I went to pick her up to put her in her bath, and she started SCREAMING. She never does this. She is a mama's girl through and through. I couldn't figure out what her problem was, so I put her back down where she was standing talking to Dave, and she stopped crying and started talking away again. I guess I interrupted her conversation with her dad...oops.
Oh ya, solid foods..yes, but she is the pickiest, most opinionated eater I've ever come across. Boy, she sure is cute though...
p.s. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Mia had to wear her green shamrock outfit for good luck!

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