Friday, March 20, 2009

Great Grandparents

I am a little behind on posts. With getting ready to move, I came across a whole bunch of pictures that I realized I hadn't blogged about. So here's to catching up.
My Dad's parents live in Sierra Vista which is a little town in Southeast Arizona. It's about a 3 hour drive from us, and we picked a nice sunny day in February to drive down and have lunch. My grandparents were beside themselves that we came to visit, as my Nana had recently had back surgery followed by an infection that has really set her back. My grandpa is 88 years old and my Nana is 86, and they are still going strong. They went on a seven day white water rafting tour down the Colorado River about 5 years ago, and every year they go on at least one 2-3 week vacation somewhere foreign. So my Nana being sick has put a damper on their adventurous spirits and it was good for us to stop by and cheer them up. I can only hope I have their stamina when I'm old so Dave and I can go on adventures like they do!

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