Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Love Hate Relationship

I love milk.
1. It is way CHEAPER than formula, and I think the whole milk is putting a little meat on Mia's bones.
2. It is easy and accessible. I don't have to cart around a little can of formula everywhere we go now.
3. Dave is really happy because I am buying whole milk for Mia, but somehow our 1% milk stays full, and our whole milk goes really fast...hum.
I HATE milk.
1. I can't figure out why all of Mia's bottles/sippy cups started leaking recently. Every single one leaks now that they have milk in them. I don't get it.
2. Everything stinks. Somehow Mia manages to spill (and leak as mentioned before) milk down into the couch, the ottoman, the carpet, etc. We got into the car the other day and it stunk soooooo bad. We had to pull over and look under everything, trunk included wondering if we had left a diaper (gross) or a bottle somewhere. Nasty. We couldn't find anything. So when we got to where we were going, Dave took Mia's car seat out of her base and there it was. Milk had somehow leaked into the crevasses of her car seat base and dried. So so nasty. With a good soak and scrub, we are back in business.

I still think I hate milk more than I love it though.


The Moore Family said...

I sooo feel you on that one.

Our Paper Plates said...

Something for me to look forward to :) Ha!

M.M.M. said...

this is why my almost 2 year old uses bottles still. shhh. don't tell.