Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's been a while... got really busy, and the blog didn't...which is unfortunate because we want our little blog to document life, and it has really slowed down. So here's some of our news as of late:

Dave transferred schools. The University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS) is a school right across the ocean in St. Kitts, and we felt like it was a much better school, so we went for it, and Dave is very happy and doing well, so it was a great move. Yay.

At first, we decided to stay living on Nevis and have Dave commute by ferry everyday. We did this for two months, and it was a lot to handle. It was an hour and a half each way and very we moved to St. Kitts as soon as I got back from my brother's funeral.

St. Kitts is nice...and we really love it! It's a lot bigger, there is more shopping, produce is fresher...and there's even a movie theater here (gasp). The pace is faster, the people are friendlier, and we can see the cruise ships coming in and out everyday from our house. It's kind of fun and exciting. (hint, hint: if you come on a cruise that stops in St. BETTER let us know! This pic is taken from our balcony...I'm serious...the port is 5 minutes away!)

Mia is hilarious and very girlie. She is obsessed with watching Mary Poppins, has to carry her pink purse around all day, and must wear her sunglasses...even if we're in the house. She is still incredibly shy around strangers, and loves to "cluck" at the chickens outside our house every time we go in or out. Everything is a "puppy" (pronounced "poppi"), and popcorn is her favorite treat by far. She is the highlight of our lives...yes we've turned into "those people" that gush over our little one, but we both waited so long for her, so why not?

I'm still working on my master's online, Dave's doing great in school, Mia's getting cuter by the minute, so life is wonderful. Our big family Christmas present is to go home for the Holidays, which we can't wait for.

That's all for now...hopefully I'll be better from now on, but we'll see about that.


M.M.M. said...

Well the main question is, is St Kitts HIV free?

Second question. When are you coming down again? Planning our Christmas party, maybe you guys can still come and enjoy some hot cocoa?

Third question. How you holding up Becky? I know "it's" hard.

Jaymie and Donna Jones said...

We are so excited to see you guys! We totally have to make plans to go out and do something. Let us know when you are comeing and for how long and we will make plans!

Kerstin said...

Mia is so adorable. She reminds me of Madeline, a girly girl. So excited you guys get to see family at Christmas! Hopefully you guys will be able to fit us in while you're here.