Monday, January 18, 2010

Break Part III

One of the first things we did when we got home was to make sure we brought Mia to a "real playground" type thingy at the mall. She was a little shy at first because we have nothing remotely close to this in St. Kitts, but it didn't take her long to become obsessed with the slide. It also didn't take her long to develop a runny nose and cough from the germ-infested gift of a playground experience we gave to her.

Of course, there is always plenty of Papa time in the backyard at Dave's parent's house. He loves to show her around the garden and have her help him do work!

We spent lots of time walking to Mesa High School to walk Shamoo and let Mia run around. Dave encouraged me to do wind sprints while him and Mimi chilled with Shamoo. It was tempting.

Mia assumed the family workout charge and did some bleachers.

And picked her nose while watching the airplanes fly by.

And there was lots of kissing as we laid in the grass. Did I mention it was the perfect break yet?


abby said...

i'm loving reading your blog. what a beautiful family you are! i'm so glad you're here. :)

Kaelene Schoen said...

So glad to hear you were not at home when the earthquake happened. I'm sure it did not affect St. Kitts but it's good to know you are a drive away!! love you, Kaelene