Friday, January 29, 2010

Now that takes Courage...

My cute cousin Becca keeps a very entertaining and informative blog. She updated it yesterday with an interesting turn of events in the life of her little brother, my cousin Jonny. Below is her post:

Remember this and this and this. My little bro and his cutie wife went from a family of three to five in just 3 months . . . that is right- a three-year old, a one-year old and a new born. Intimidating right? Should they add another?

Six day's ago Alli's biological mom gave birth to another son. Yesterday CPS called Jaimee and Jonny and told them about the baby and asked if they would be interested in taking the baby. They decided to take a few days to pray about it. CPS called today and said the baby needed a home tonight and it was either them or the foster care system. If you know my brother and Jaimee you know that hearts don't come bigger . . baby Riley was delivered 45 minutes later(shortest delivery ever). Adoption isn't guaranteed, but it is likely.

Riley was born January 21st, his biological mother sent him home with another inmate who had just been released. CPS stopped by to check on him and he was covered in meth, needed bathing and had diaper rash.

I am sure that by now all his clothes have been washed, he has been fed and is being LOVED by Jonny and Jaimee. They have their hands full, but if anyone can handle it, they can. They will need to go car shopping on Saturday so they can get a car big enough to fit them all!!

BTW he is cute!! He looks nothing like Allie - almost looks Asian or like an islander. He has sweet chubby cheeks.

A little background...they had their first little cutie three years ago, and then endured several years of difficult miscarriages. They ended up adopting their little one-year-old Allie just as Jaimee was finally pregnant with their second child. That child was born on December 31, 2009. And now, a new joy has entered their home once again.

As I was reading this, I sat in awe as I contemplated the awesome responsibility they have accepted with this new life in their home. Knowing what it takes to have a newborn, I can not imagine the chaos this might bring. Then my next thought was..."Of course I wouldn't say no, though. I couldn't knowingly leave a baby in that situation. Ever."

I started to wonder if I have what it takes to accept challenges when I know it's going to be really hard. I have been thinking about what I'm made of. I am constantly working on doing what I think is right, but when push comes to shove, sometimes because of fear, insecurities, embarrassment, or even dare I say pride, I back down or step away.

This has given me a lot of reason to pause and reflect on what I need to work on, who I am, and what I have to give to others. I have a lot to work on!


The Moore Family said...

Hi cutest- they are amazing. . and I would not doubt you would do the same thing given the circumstances and do it just as victoriously. I love you cousin of mine. I am sad I didn't make it happen on your Christmas visit- next time I am going to hunt you down :). Hope you are enjoying island life! Love your buns!

Allred Fam said...

a great story. this last section sounds kind of like me and my new tennis group!