Sunday, November 2, 2008

The glamorous life of a Stay-at-home Mom

Every morning I awake with renewed vigor to workout, cook amazing award winning meals, clean the house top to bottom, look extra hot for my husband (i.e. take a shower), feed the hungry, volunteer, help a friend in need, and basically be a model citizen. However my glamorous life somehow takes a turn for the worse everyday without fail. Instead of the above mentioned intentions, my day usually turns into something like this:
1. Wake up to Mia crying or goofing around in her crib and me not being able to move because I didn't get uninterrupted sleep.
2. Working out gets pushed to the "later today" category that usually gets pushed to the "I'll do it tomorrow category."
3. Cooking turns into whatever's easiest/fastest between "Mia neediness."
4. Cleaning the house usually turns into a little here/a little there and never quite comes all together so that I have an impeccable house.
5. I have intentions of looking extra cute for Dave when he gets home, but he usually arrives right when I'm all sweaty from cleaning or I have Mia spit up/drool/pee/poop somewhere lingering on me. I never thought I'd look like this.
So you can guess by now that feeding the hungry, volunteering, helping anyone, or being a model citizen are out the window. G-l-a-m-o-r-ous I tell you.


Julie and Todd said...

Welcome. Welcome to the world of the ugly, smelly, slightly soft, very attentive, loving and devoted Moms.

The Moore Family said...

I soooo feel you baby! That is why I look forward to Sunday - I at least look decent one day a week!