Monday, November 10, 2008

It all started with a cough...

Last Wednesday morning I woke up with a know, the kind that feels like there's something in your throat. Crap. I knew I was getting sick. So Wednesday, Thursday, and into Friday I was coughing, sneezing, and feeling a little feverish. Then Mia started teething again (she already has four teeth, and I think I can see two more coming in on top. Cute little 8 month old, I think she's going for an award.). Needless to say, we all haven't been sleeping good and so we decided to...REDO THE FLOORS IN OUR KITCHEN!!! Isn't that the best idea??!!!? So after the weekly garage sales Saturday morning, Dave started in on the floors. I'll leave all the details out, but let's just say it's Monday afternoon at 2:30 and I'm listening to the buzz of a sander as I'm typing this. Don't ask.
ANYWAY...we're totally exhausted last night going to sleep, and I'm enjoying that Mia is sleeping better and I get a break. Dave and I are laying there holding hands, talking and laughing right before we drift off to sleep. When all of the sudden Dave flicks his hand (the one I'm holding) and goes "Was that a bug, what was that?" Then I feel something on my wrist and jump out of bed while Dave is yelling "Turn on the light! Turn on the light!" I turn on the lamp and to our horror and immediate eebie-jibbies, we saw a bug slithering around the bed BY OUR HEADS that looked something like this:
OH MY GOSH...we're both totally grossed out and start itching all over. We pull all the bedding off and look all over the room to see where this little pest decided to come from. Then the imaginations start going, and of course we have to say everything out loud. Dave starts talking about the bugs going in our ears, noses, etc. while we're sleeping. We laid there laughing and itching trying to fall asleep for a while. I can't even start to name all the morals to this story, but that's the latest in our adventures.
p.s.-are you itching yet?


The Moore Family said...

Bugs are so much fun. I am totally with you on the itching aspect. Sorry to hear you have been under the weather, but am anxious to hear of any great garage sale finds might have stumbled accross!

Post pics of the floor when you get it all done- and of that great dresser!

Julie and Todd said...

AHHHH! I'm totally sicked out! I hate that feeling of something crawling on you...and when it turns out that it actually IS an ugly something like you envision in your imagination before looking, it's the worst!

Our Paper Plates said...

Oh I hate all those earwig bugs. At least that is what I call them. Since we live close to cornfields, we get crickets. Lots of crickets. Now those give me the heeby jeebies! I'm going to facebook email Dave to set up a time to get together. It has been WWAAYYY too long. Plus I want to hear about all your garage saling adventures!

Rebecca said...

LOVE the costumes! That little Mia is such a baby doll!! Love the songs you added too! Hope all is well. Love, Rebecca and Zachary